Monday, July 25, 2011

Physical activity and preventing anti-social behavior

Sandford, R. A., Duncombe, R., & Armour, K. M. (2008). The role of physical activity/sport in tackling youth disaffection and anti-social behaviour. Educational Review, 60(4), 419-435. doi:10.1080/00131910802393464

This article was written to highlight and summarize research findings from studies which looked at the link between physical activity programs and improving student behavior.  The article states that it is fairly obvious that many governments have put faith in the ability of physical activity programs on preventing youth delinquency and anti-social behavior, however the reasons why such programs work has not been extensively studied.  Studies such as HSBC/Outward Bound and Sky Living for Sport are highlighted, both of which examined physical activity interventions and both of which demonstrated short-term and long-term improvements in student behavior.  The article suggests that it is the processes within these programs such as teaching personal responsibility that make the biggest impact on preventing anti-social behavior.

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